Circles Session 10


“There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep, and still be counted as warriors.”

— Adrienne Rich

🌱 Opening

Read Rachel Carson quote (p. 373) to open.

💫 Check-in

Prompt: Share your name + a body posture or movement that expresses vitality. Then pass to someone else. (Circle leader should go first and model this.)

☀️ Discussion

Move through 3 generous questions, ensuring everyone has a chance to share:

  1. Thinking back through All We Can Save, have you glimpsed your future self in any of these writings?

  2. Has anything in this book seeded new desires or plans for your participation in healing the climate crisis?

  3. Where do we go from here?

    • For non-workplace Circles and individuals: Check out our what next page for some ideas: what next

    • For workplace Circles, you have one more session designed specifically to reflect, plan, and spark action together: what next in the workplace

📓 Journal Prompt

Offer the following journal prompt, for those who may want to reflect and write between this session and the next one:

How do you define climate leadership now?

🌙 Closing

Prompt: Share one word that speaks to your Circle experience. Then pass to someone else.

Finally, read Adrienne Rich quote (p. 374) to close.

📝 Circles Survey

Please share this 8-10 min survey with your Circle, so we can understand more deeply the experiences folks are having:

🔧 Workplace Exploration

First, revisit the prompt from the last session.

Was anyone able to take up the workplace exploration prompt from our last session, around roles and responsibilities? What did you learn?

Then, offer this next prompt for exploration between this session and the next one.

In advance of session 11, focused on “what next” in your workplace, read Drawdown Labs’s “Climate Solutions at Work.” Reflect on what has surfaced through all the workplace explorations. Is there a particular area of climate action at work that you feel drawn to?