Circles Session 1


My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed

I have to cast my lot with those

who age after age, perversely,

with no extraordinary power,

reconstitute the world.

—Adrienne Rich

🌱 Opening

Read Adrienne Rich quote that opens All We Can Save.

💫 Introductions

Prompt: Share your name, pronouns + what made you say “yes” to this invitation. Then pass to someone else. (Circle leader should go first and model this.)

🌻 Agreements

Share these agreements for Circle dialogue. Then, welcome any questions / comments / suggested additions. Request affirmation from the group (verbal “yes” or thumbs up).

  1. Generous Dialogue: We will ask open and generous questions, offer our own stories and ideas generously, and listen to one another with a generosity of spirit.

  2. Equitable Dialogue: We will have a single conversation — one voice at a time, with roughly equal time to share. We will each step up or step back as needed.

  3. Confidential Dialogue: We will ensure that sharings made within our Circle are not shared beyond it, unless someone gives clear permission to do so.

  4. Growing Dialogue: We will lean into learning, welcome diverse opinions and perspectives, and support our mutual growth in knowledge and power.

  5. Courageous Dialogue: We will bring our heads and hearts to this space, holding hard truths while looking towards what is possible and how we can best contribute.

  6. Additional agreements for this Circle?

☀️ Discussion

Move through 3 generous questions, ensuring everyone has a chance to share:

  1. Do you think of yourself as a climate feminist? If so, what does that identity mean to you? If not, how does it feel to try it on?

  2. What are the qualities of feminine/feminist climate leadership, and where do you see it emerging?

  3. If “what we pay attention to grows,” what do you want to pay attention to and grow over these 10 sessions together?

📓 Journal Prompt

Offer the following journal prompt, for those who may want to reflect and write between this session and the next one:

How did your climate journey begin?

🌙 Closing

Express gratitude. Remind group of next session date/time. Finally, read the prose poem summary of All We Can Save to close (p. xxii–xxiv).

🔧 Workplace exploration

If you are doing this Circle in your workplace, offer the following prompt for exploration between this session and the next one (you may also want to email/message it).

Does your organization have sustainability/climate goals and initiatives? If so, what stakes has your workplace already put in the ground? Do they seem to match the seriousness of the climate crisis? If not, are there examples at other organizations that inspire you?

Supplementary materials

For those who may wish to read/watch/listen further — now or down the road — we’ve curated a short list of supplementary materials for each section of the anthology. They’re organized by contributor and marked by type. Please share these with your Circle.

Adrienne Rich

📖 The Dream of a Common Language, poetry collection, 1978.

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

🎧 How to Save a Planet, podcast, Gimlet Media, 2020-21.

📰 I’m a black climate expert. Racism derails our efforts to save the planet, op-ed, Washington Post, 2020.

📰 What I Know about the ocean – we need ocean justice, essay, Sierra Magazine, 2020.

📺 A love story for the coral reef crisis, TED Talk, 2019.

📺 Our climate crisis, panel discussion with Rhiana Gunn-Wright and Kate Marvel, Pioneer Works, 2019.

Katharine K. Wilkinson

📰 These women are transforming what climate leadership looks like. Here’s what they learned from the pandemic, interview, TIME, 2021.

🎧 A Matter of Degrees, podcast, co-hosted with Leah Stokes, 2020-present.

📖 The Drawdown Review: Climate Solutions for a New Decade, book (free PDF), Project Drawdown, 2020.

🎧 Women, faith, and courage for the brokenhearted, podcast episode, No Place Like Home, 2020.

📺 How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming, TED Talk, 2018.

Madeleine Jubilee Saito | Instagram | Website

🖼️ Online art collection, 2015–present.

📰 A Good Metaphor Will Last You Your Whole Life, and Longer, interview, The Comics Journal, 2020.

📰 Breathing Room, interview, Crisis Palace, 2021.